
Showing posts from 2011

Letters on life

» There is only one form of liberation for those who are continually submerged in suffering: to elevate suffering to the level of one’s own perspective and to transform it into an aid for one’s way of seeing.  – “Letters on life”, Rainer Maria Rilke

Collected prose

 Painting by: Hilma af Klint (1862–1944 ) » The poem is lonely. It is lonely and en route. Its author stays with it. Does this very fact not place the poem already here, at its inception, in the encounter, in the mystery of encounter? The poem intends another, needs this other, needs an opposite. It goes toward it, bespeaks it. For the poem, everything and everybody is a figure of this other toward which it is heading. The poem becomes conversation – often desperate conversation.  - Collected prose, Paul Celan;