Old Man

Old Man with his Head in his Hands (At Eternity's Gate), Vincent van Gogh » Zola says, ‘Moi artiste, je veux vivre tout haut – veux vivre’ [I, as an artist, want to live as vigorously as possible -- (I) want to live], without mental reservation – naive as a child, no, not as a child, as an artist – with good will, however life presents itself, I shall find something in it, I will try my best on it. Now look at all those studied little mannerisms, all that convention, ho w exceedingly conceited it really is, how absurd, a man thinking he knows everything and that things go according to his idea, as if there were not in all things of life a ‘je ne sais quoi’ of great goodness, and also an element of evil, which we feel to be infinitely above us, infinitely greater, infinitely mightier than we are. How fundamentally wrong is the man who doesn’t feel himself small, who doesn’t realize he is but an atom. Is it a loss to drop some notions, impressed on us in childhood, that maintain...