Masahisa Fukase, Ravens » Courage consists, however, in agreeing to flee rather than live tranquilly and hypocritically in false refuges. Values, morals, homelands, religions, and these private certitudes that our vanity and our complacency bestow generously on us, have many deceptive sojourns as the world arranges for those who think they are standing straight and at ease, among stable things. — L’amitié, Maurice Blanchot, 232-3, in Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus , 341-2
In this appraisal of historical materialism the peculiarity of Uno's position vis- a-vis other trends of Marxist thought is most clearly seen. The conventional and official view would argue roughly as follows: Marxism has extracted what is to be called dialectical materialism from Hegel's system by "inverting it"; then, the application of this dialectical materialism to social history has created the science of historical materialism; the political economy of capitalism consists of further specification of the principles of historical materialism for the analysis of capitalist society; hence, the discovery of the class-nature of capitalism has made Marxist socialism a science. The conventional view thus fails to distinguish between ideology and science; it even tends to glorify the confusion with the slogan of "the dialectical unity of theory and practice." The more recent and presumably "unofficial" view, inspired by the works of Luk'acs, K...
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